3. Social context for the well-being and health of young people in Luxembourg

3.3. Demographic structure

What this is about

Children and young people are the future contributors who will need to fund care for senior citizens once they join the working population. For this and other reasons, a society’s age structure is hugely important for young people. A country’s dynamic and its development opportunities are also dependent on the ratio between young and old people. Luxembourg is doing relatively well compared to many other European countries: population ageing is not as advanced here as it is in Germany or France.

This could be down to Luxembourg’s attractiveness to immigrants. The proportion of the population born abroad is higher than average, at 47.4%. Among young adults aged 25 to 29 (so people who fall within the age group examined by our report), a slight majority do not hold Luxembourgish nationality.  The people who live in the Grand Duchy but are not Luxembourg nationals predominantly come from other EU countries. These figures highlight why we were also interested in demographic elements in preparing the youth report and are presenting them here.