The University of Luxembourg presents the Youth Report ...

Presentation evening on the value of long-term data collection

Well-being and health of young people are the thematic focus of the third Luxembourg Youth Report. For a presentation of the results, the University of Luxembourg opened its doors on September 29. The presentation evening clearly showed that basic research and applied research cross-fertilize and inspire each other. The Youth Report 2020 has made an important contribution to this. Read our summary here!

Minister Claude Meisch about the Youth Report 2020

In a video address, Claude Meisch, Minister of Education, Children and Youth, underlines that findings on the well-being and the health of young people are an important indicator for youth policy. The Youth Report 2020 is intended to be an evidence base for the upcoming discussions on the national youth action plan.

This is what we found out

About this Youth Report

The findings of youth research and of the present youth report serve as an important source of information on the needs and problems of young people and young adults in Luxembourg. The Youth Report sees itself as the voice of the young people, as it focuses on their subjective perspective.


Concept of the Youth Report

  • Subjective well-being
  • Subjective health assessment
  • Action oriented towards one's well-being
  • Health-related action
  • Health-related quality of life
  • Social science research
  • Personal factors
  • Social factors
  • Structural factors
  • Capability approach
  • Concept of agency
  • Self-efficacy
  • Social networks
  • Resilience
  • Patterns of action
  • Personality development
  • Enabling spaces
  • Participation
  • Empowerment


Social context for the well-being and health of young people in Luxembourg


How young people evaluate their well-being and health

Subjective health perceptions

Subjective well-being


What young people do or don't do for their well-being and health

Motives for behaviour

  • Increased well-being
  • Self-optimisation
  • Dissatisfaction
  • Protection of the environment
  • Stress
  • Role models

Motives for media consumption

  • Self-actualisation
  • Entertainment
  • Keeping in touch with contacts
  • Relaxation
  • Positive Emotions

The difference between knowing and acting

  • Cognitive dissonance
  • Relativisation
  • Good resolutions
  • Balance

Social environment

The importance of the social environment for young people's well-being: family, friends, school and other areas of life

  • Family support
  • Trust
  • Self-esteem
  • Acceptance
  • Freedom
  • Personal responsibility
  • Security
  • Comfort
  • Communication
  • Class climate
  • Youth centres
  • Working atmosphere
  • Rule of law
  • Equality
  • Bullying
  • Performance pressure
  • Stress
  • Experience of violence
  • Separation
  • Pollution
  • Expensive rents


How young people perceive the Covid-19-pandemic and the measures taken against it

Professional discourses

How experts discuss well-being and health of adolescents in Luxembourg

  • School climate discourse
  • Formal and non-formal approaches to education
  • Special school reform
  • Promotion of autonomy
  • Participation
  • Mental health
  • Youth work
  • Societal changes
  • Promotion of resilience
  • Stress at work
  • Risk factors
  • Suicide prevention

What we found out

Synopsis of the key findings

What needs to be done

Challenges for policy and practice

Well-being and health of young people in Luxembourg

National report on the situation of youth in Luxembourg 2020