2. Concept of the youth report

2.4. Underlying data and methodological approach

What this is about

We evaluated numerous scientific studies to systematically describe and analyse the well-being and health of young people in Luxembourg. The data comes primarily from studies that were designed, carried out and evaluated specially for this youth report by the team at the University of Luxembourg’s Centre for Childhood and Youth Research (CCY).

Our own analyses mostly consisted of interviews with children and young people aged between 11 and 29. We had extended discussions with 62 young people in this age group. We also held interviews with experts working in various field of practice relating to young people. The interviews provide key information about how young people evaluate their situation and how they behave in order to maintain or restore their well-being and health.

As well as these studies conducted specifically by us, we also made use of the Health Behaviour in School-Aged-Children (HBSC) and Youth Survey Luxembourg (YSL) studies. The HBSC study alone surveyed 220,000 students across 51 countries. In Luxembourg in 2018, more than 8,500 surveys were incorporated into the HBSC report.

This section describes the methodological approach used to prepare the youth report – before we then present our results.