3. Social context for the well-being and health of young people in Luxembourg

3.4. Level of education and employment

What this is about

What level of education young people achieve and whether they subsequently find work are particularly important for young people’s future. In this section, we describe the situation of young people in Luxembourg in this respect: an increasing number of young people are completing a higher (tertiary) level of education at a graduate school. The average level of education in Luxembourg is particularly high compared with other countries. The proportion of women with a higher education qualification is significantly higher than for men.

Youth unemployment in Luxembourg is significantly above the unemployment rate for the workforce as a whole. This indicates issues with the transition to employment, which is a major problem primarily for young people with fewer qualifications. Many of these come from a migration background. The fact that youth unemployment in Luxembourg has fallen significantly since 2014 and is finally below the EU average could be due to the ‘youth guarantee’, which seeks to quickly provide young job seekers with work, further education or training, or an internship. Young people in Luxembourg are correspondingly less likely than the EU average to be in a precarious situation with no training or job. Overall, the figures say that regardless of their level of education, a higher proportion of young people in Luxembourg are employed than in other EU countries. The impact that this has on their well-being and health is a question that we are addressing.